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Embracing creativity

Embracing creativity

I’m thoroughly enjoying working my way through Kate Clanchy’s How To Grow Your Own Poem.

As someone who leans towards the positive, it’s been interesting experimenting with more challenging emotions in my writing.

My poem, inspired by Edip Cansever’s The Table, tackles wrestling with rage.

Let me know what you think!


A child full of anger

Comes home

And flings his bag on the floor.

He kicks the table leg

And lets out a rumbling growl.

Suddenly he splashes the floor

With furious tears

Pitter patter -

Like raindrops in a storm.

He pulls his shirt roughly over his head

And twists the wet fabric

In his small hands

As he stares crossly

At the cat sleeping in the corner.

Onto the floor

He flings thunder and lightning

Cold moonlight

And icy winds.

He casts a broken promise

Onto the hard floor

Where it smashes

Into oblivion.

The Lion Inn? It's roarsome!

The Lion Inn? It's roarsome!

Poetry from the heart

Poetry from the heart